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                        Hard Pressed but Not Crushed



The role of faith in dealing with life's problems.


In a study put out by the presidential prayer team, * an impressive 45 percent of Americans claim they pray daily. But considering that 100 percent of people deal with life struggles, it could be that some people are unaware of, or resistant to, the power of prayer in finding one's way in times of serious trauma.


If anyone knows about hardship, it's Patti Davis. In her new book, Hard Pressed but Not Crushed, she chronicles her story of childhood abuse; two failed marriages to the same man who couldn't give up his additions; a rare form of stage 3 breast cancer; an auto accident that left her with ongoing chronic pain and a brain injury; and unexpected homelessness at age fifty-three. But in spite of that impressive list of hardships, one would be hard-pressed to find someone with more joy and peace. Her secret? It's no secret at all. Patti keeps her focus on Jesus and trusts God with all things.


"If you need a Biblical example of someone who endured his sorrows," the author says, "it would be Joseph. He's an example of someone who learned valuable life-sustaining lessons in the school of sorrow. He didn't fret over his uncertain hour of future relief but instead accepted each obstacle and called on his God to help him cope. And when God delivered him out of a certain sorrow, Joseph found himself in a new place of higher service. He's an example of a man who let grace be sufficient as he coped with grave disappointments.


"Grave disappointments" would be an understatement in describing Patti's life circumstances. With so many trials working their way into her life, how has she found the endurance to press forward?


"I asked God to improve my capabilities of resilience, humility, and trust, and enlarge my perspective. Satan has tried on more occasions than I can count to target my faith. I'm here to testify that nothing can keep us from God's plan for our life - when God's time is right. I can't let Satan steel my tomorrow out of God's hands. I must give God enough time to talk to me and reveal His will to me."


Her book is truly inspiring. And for those who may have given up on prayer, feeling that they haven't been answered, Patti encourages the reader to keep giving their petitions to God.


Patti's book should be on every kitchen table and put in the hands of every young person who truly needs to know that life's situations don't have to take them out.






Paperback book or eBook through her publisher:  Redemption Press,


Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Christian Book Stores







"Her book is about someone who’s been healed and is now in love with life."  Glenda, AZ



“Patti’s book challenged me to face whatever it is that is pressurizing my life and to equalize the pressure from the inside. She has a powerful testimony of a woman who lets God fill up her circumstance with his peace.” Amber, NC



"Wow! Patti has been through so many hardships. My heart ached and cheered for her while I read her life story. It is so amazing to see God's faithfulness through it all. I am inspired by Patti's trust, hope, and faith in the Lord. She is a light in the darkness! Deborah, NC



“I can relate to much of what she wrote about with her trials. I’m proud of her beyond words for the strength and courage that lifted off the pages of the book as she tells her story to the world. She inspired me to keep believing. I plan to use her words of wisdom.”   Latasha, CO



“Oh, what a great book. This is an easy read. With a cup of coffee and a quiet house you can read this lil’ keeper in just a few hours. What makes this such a good book is that it is so REAL, everyone can identify with Patti. Not necessarily because you have ever experienced the hardships she has endured, but because you can identify with her. She has such a sweet spirit that comes through the pages of this book, so much that you can’t put it down.”   Melody, FL



“Patti has definitely lived through more than the average woman but she never fails to give God the glory for every good thing. So, what makes this book such a great read isn’t that she has endured hardships, it’s because she has lived to talk about it and she talks about it in such grace that you feel you are a personal friend of hers by the time you finish reading her book.”   Debbie, CO



“This book assures you that no matter what you may be experiencing right now, it’s not the whole story. There is hope, there is peace. You will find encouragement on the pages of this book. I have had the pleasure of meeting Patti a few times and believe me, you would never know of any of the things she talks about in her book from just meeting her. She does not live in a perpetual pity party, she lives with vitality and is down to earth, a very pleasant person to be around.”   Jill, CO



“Life truly can be a ‘pressure-cooker’ at times …. reading how someone suffered and survived and better yet, beat it is always an amazing way to boost one’s positive energy.” Tari, CA



"What a testimony to the grace and sovereignty of the Lord! She brought so much glory, honor, and truth to His name."  Ed & Seana. NC

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